Seen in...

  • MEUNE, “ce qui me lie”. Nahir, passeur de savoirs.

    À travers ces pages, vous découvrirez l'histoire de Meune, une marque de vêtements qui célèbre l'authenticité et la simplicité.

    Vous découvrirez également le parcours de notre créatrice, qui a suivi son intuition et sa passion pour créer quelque chose de beau et de significatif. Elle partage sa vision, sa philosophie et sa passion pour les vêtements intemporels qui ont un sens en mettant en avant l'intention qui se cachent derrière chaque création.

  • Meune : poumon vert d’une mode mi-citadine, mi-andine.

    L'article pour Meune de Stéphanie Reich, fondatrice et rédactrice en chef de REVEL Magazine, met en avant notre créatrice Nahir et sa mission de préserver l'environnement et les traditions culturelles de son pays d'origine, l'Argentine.

    Sa plume a su rendre justice à notre vision et à notre mission, et nous sommes convaincues que cet article inspirera d'autres personnes à rejoindre notre mouvement pour une mode plus responsable.

  • Interview with Nahir, founder of MEUNE, in ICON ICON Magazine.

    A few days ago, our founder was interviewed about MEUNE by ICON ICON Magazine. 

    In this interview, Nahir tells more about the genesis of this project, how the landscapes of the Andes and the style of Paris meet, and where the name and meaning of MEUNE come from. 

  • Christmas Gift Guide | The Most Beautiful Sustainable Clothing To Give Back.

    MEUNE was featured in LUXIDERS magazine, as part of the selection "The most beautiful responsible clothes to give".

    A Christmas gift guide to help you discover incredible independent and responsible labels.
  • Awarding of the "Made in Paris" Label

    Nahir, as designer and founder of MEUNE, had the honor of receiving the Made in Paris label certificate, which was awarded to all the pieces in our first RÉMANENT Capsule.

    At the Hôtel de Ville in Paris, in a beautiful and historic location, we met inspiring Parisian designers, creators, and artisans. Their words reminded us that we are not alone in the fight for local and responsible fashion.

    Congratulations to all those who were awarded and best wishes for continued success!

    A big thank you to everyone who contributed, in one way or another, to making MEUNE what it is today.

    This is a collective achievement for all of us, and we hope to continue on this journey with all of you for a long time.

  • MEUNE joins the FMC | Official evening of the Circular Fashion Federation.

    Two months ago, we decided to commit ourselves to continue writing the fashion of tomorrow together with other actors and brands committed to a fairer and more responsible fashion industry.

    Last September, MEUNE joined the FMC to advance the fashion industry towards more sustainable horizons.

    The FMC represents all circular fashion companies; its objective is to represent and support all its members in their development in order to coordinate and promote the development of French circular fashion.

    As a member, we participated in the officialization evening. An opportunity for representatives from each branch to give their vision on circularity in the fashion sector, and offer concrete aspirations to their specialty segments.

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